Wednesday, 31 March 2010
A Handy Little Tip
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Mr Egg Marketing Inspector Calls
Monday, 29 March 2010
PIF........I'm back!!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Leaving the farm......
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
I also have lots of little baby beetroot seedlings appearing before my very eyes. Yummy indeed, I see lots of beetroot in our salads soon and maybe even a few jars of pickled beetroot to see us through the leaner winter months.
Of course if I got some goats I could perhaps make some cheese to go with it...........!
Sue xx
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
The Simple Life
At the moment I am still going through a time of decision making and change in my life, always though the priority is to stay on our path to a more simple life. Last nights decision was to simplify my Blogging and so from now on there will be only this, my main Blog. Sorry for the followers of the others, but most of you are readers of this first and foremost anyway.
Monday, 22 March 2010
All in a Day
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Glorious Sunday
Friday, 19 March 2010
Spoilt Pigs
At the moment, as we have been unable to find a nearby greengrocers (we have no 'nearby' shops) that will give us unsold and unusable fruit and veggies, so I have been buying cheap packs of the same from the a large supermarket (yes, we did have a word with the manager there, and no, they "are not allowed" to donate unsold fruit and veg to anyone "it could cause foot and mouth disease you know"!! Instead they have been told 'by head office' to throw it in the bin.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Sophie Calls a Meeting!
I always find the softly, softly approach best for the first couple of weeks when you have so many. Any grabbing of a passing bird creates consternation amongst the others and delays their taming.
If they're close enough for a stroke, such as when I'm putting them to bed then they get one and they soon learn that human hands are not just out to grab them.
It helped that Sophie called a meeting of the Speckledys yesterday and had a word!!
"Are you actually listening to me?"