Thursday, 7 January 2016

Snoozing the Day Away

I've been sat here for possibly longer than I should, updating my other blog and perusing Facebook as well as checking personal and business banking and paying bills (so not all frivolous time wasting then ;-) ), and all the time I have been 'working' to the restful background sound of Suky's snores.

Now she has lost weight she snores much more quietly.  She is down from 12.2 kgs to just 9.9kg, all done slowly but surely over the last six months and monitored through Tubby Club at the vets.

Mavis loves to cuddle into any other sleeping animal and soon joined Suky on the old dog bed by the desk.  Unusually this time,  they are topping and tailing ... very cute.  I can't get over how much like Rosy Mavis now looks since her trim at the groomers.  

Her wiry top coat hid the same smooth coat as Rosy, with the same black 'freckles' showing through the white fur.  Her black patch on her right hand side is more circular than Rosy's patch, which is on her left hand side.  Taking them out one at a time people would be convinced they were one and the same dog, but together the main difference, apart from size and build is obvious .... Mavis has brown ears and forehead and Rosy has black ... and she has a black band around her tail.

My lovely girls.

Sue xx


  1. I thought it was Rosy in the bed at first, her hair cut deceived me! They all look lovely happy dogs :-)

  2. Glad you mentioned her weight loss, good going, much further to go?

    1. We're reassessing her at 9kgs.

      She's not one of the delicate little Pugs you see and never will be, she is built like her Mum was, with quite broad shoulders. But we think once we are at 9kgs we will be able to see if she would be okay to go lower or maybe just keep her at that weight.

  3. Me to at first glance I thought it was Rosie.

  4. 2.5kg off would suit me just fine as well. Got a fair bit of post xmas baggage to get shot of, says he and the entire world

    1. Haha .... I'd be happy to have lost that too ;-)

  5. What would we do without our dogs Sue?

    1. Stay in the warm cosy house and not walk for miles in the rain ..... haha ... I wonder if the dogs think we're the mad ones ;-)

  6. Oh bless them, lovely sweet hounds x

  7. I have to say, Mavis DOES look rather dapper now! Will you keep her trimmed do you think?

    They look so snug cosied up together.

  8. One of our dogs is on a diet, she is doing well too. I haven't weighed her yet, but she looks so much better and she can actually be bothered to run now. We walk 5 kilometres everyday and she is nuts for it.

  9. They do look so happy together don't they! xx

  10. Bless them they have the right idea when its so miserable outside, dee :-)

  11. Such sweet animal pictures, they all look so content. My dog Jenny is sleeping a lot now that the cold and snow is here, but my two cats Kajsa and Melvin are bored stiff and getting up to no good indoors :). Wish you all a nice weekend, Pam in Norway

  12. They are indeed lovely. Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Our dogs are fast asleep too. Today was the first time in 2 weeks they have had a run off the lead. There is so much flooding around us in the north that we came home absolutely soaked and coated in mud. The dogs have been washed, I've hand washed gloves and dog collars and the washing machine is on its second load of muddy gear. The car has also been washed. At least we have our homes to return to which is more than some in our area have just now. Although the rain has now stopped, the roads are still flooding with the run off from hills and fields.

    What a lovely peaceful photo of your very clean dogs xx

  14. Happy dogies I do love to see this, looks like my Nipper, love JR's and a pug is a dream of mine x


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