Thursday, 6 December 2012

Stockpiling to Save Money

At the moment I am taking advantage of lots of offers and building a good stockpile of things that we use on a regular basis.  I am lucky in that we have a spare room, and a large chest freezer and so I can store this mass purchasing without too much upheaval in the house. 

I really need to keep our costs down as low as possible for next year as it is going to be the year of Saving, yes, with a capital S.

Some things like butter are tucked safely in the freezer,

but most are in the spare room tucked away behind rolled up quilts and the like, so it doesn't look too much like a grocery store or chemist,

..or in the larder cupboard in the kitchen handy and ready for use.

I'll be continuing to stockpile whenever I see bargains, even next year when my housekeeping money reaches it's new all time low.  It really is the best way, in my opinion, to make your pennies and pounds go that little bit further.

You can follow my progress and check out the bargains I buy on the stand alone page under the Blog title.

Sue xx


  1. Sue, I was so inspired by your planned housekeeping budget for next year that when I found out we are getting a $200 voucher from my company for Christmas bonus, I decided that it should be spent on stockpiling any bargains that I find and whatever money I then save from my housekeeping money will be sent straight to the sealed pot! Thank you for being such an inspiration. Cheers Judy xx

  2. I have been a stockpiler for the last 40 years. We have three fairly large freezers for home grown and cooked goodies. However at the moment I'm having to fight hard against instincts as we wish to empty the freezers ( ie eat up the contents) before we leave for a three month trip early in the New Year. We are certainly eating some interesting meals at the moment. Christmas lunch will be the most interesting meal and will depend on whats still left.
    Have fun stockpiling from the Christmas offers.
    Helen in France

  3. your housekeeping budget is very ice and you have good managing capacity.

  4. unfortunatey what with us plus loads of selling stock we don't have room to stockpile groiceries, but my saving is to put all our fuel purchases(of which there are many!), monthly council tax payments and all my ebay post office expenses on a credit card that gives us points, then each December I cash them in for vouchers and have a whole delicious shopping trolley full and free, courtesy of Visa!

  5. I agree that stocking up whenever possible is the easiest way to keep the spending in check.

    We're spent November eating things down (other than Christmas baking items we bought and a few loss leaders). I'm still working on eating what was on that menu since I do my best to not waste any food and I found our leftovers went further than I had originally planned. Of course, son and daughter in law haven't been home as much the last few weeks either.

  6. Like you both we are stock piling all we can,I have a large chest freezer and a larder in kitchen and one under stairs.
    I saved £60 month in stamps for supermarket by November we had £640 so we used it to stock pile all we could and got £50 free off supermarket which we will use next week for last stock up shop.
    We will do same next year.

  7. This is what I have started to do too. Stock piling as many non-perishable items as possible, as you never know when prices are going to suddenly go up, sometimes I've seen this happen within a matter of days! A recent survey done in my loft to see if I needed extra loft insulation said that I didn't need any because it is full to the brim with stuff! Especially since I've started stock piling. My 9 pack of toilet rolls that I get for £1.99 are insulating the loft nicely.

  8. I suspect I am going to be eating Approved Food Couscous until NEXT Christmas!

  9. I have given up on stock-piling because we don't have the space. I also find that I am less stressed by shopping as needed and buying just fresh stuff. We rarely eat anything that uses items that one might stock anyway. I guess everyone is different!

  10. My stockpile in the attic is looking very healthy. I took a carrier bag up there the other day, and came down with white and wholemeal bread flour, sugar, cornflakes and teabags - so much better than having to pop to the shops!

  11. Since I moved and acquired a garage, I have started stockpiling. Mainly tines and dry goods. I do have a spare freezer but have yet to swicth it on. I love to nip in the garage and find what I want :-)

  12. I`ve been stock piling mainly tinned and dried goods for some years now. We are living off the freezer at this moment, hoping to deplete its content by the new year. That`s when I shall then do some bulk cooking and stocking up on meats. My stockpiling is something I keep going on a regular basis. I buy a little for the pile each time I do my shopping. My kitchen shelves are stocked up and positively heaving, as I have no other room to store anything. The best thing is that I have everything in sight and will always know when things need re-plenishing. We are well stocked for X-mas and beyond, so only have to do a very small shopping trip for the next few weeks.

  13. One of my main aims for 2013 is to start building up a stock pile of basic goods. Seeing your pictures is pretty inspirational!

  14. I am stockpiling as well when ever I can.


  15. I'm doing the exact same thing - the stealth price increases seem to be never ending.

  16. Phew, I'm not alone with this stockpiling thing!!

    Thanks for all the lovely comments.

    Sue xx
    Our New Life in the Country

  17. Ooh..I'm glad I'm not the only one who stockpiles. I've got a spare fridge freezer in the the garage as well as a couple of wall cupboards and I'm always buying those buy one get one free deals of dried goods and keep them in the garage. Our Lidls often do those huge packs of 24 Cushelle toilet rolls for about £6 so plenty of those stashed away too. One thing about blogging is you soon realise that you're just the same as everyone else. Have a good weekend.

  18. I don't have room to stockpile. I had a freezer full until last week when the plug was accidentally unplugged and everything had to be thrown away. As it is in the garage I didn't know as I don't go in there sometimes for a few days. There was stuff in there I'd forgotten about. So, I will be keeping a more manageable freezer content. My kitchen doesn't have enough cupboard space for other than baking stuff, spices/sauces and normal dried/tinned/oils etc. I don't use a lot of tinned stuff to warrant large buying-in.


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