Monday, 12 December 2011

Clever Purchase?

On Saturday we went to the Christmas Smallholders Sale at Thame Market.  It was nice to spend some time together, sell off a few bits that we don't need anymore and generally meet up with other like minded souls and catch up on news of the animals they have bought off us in the past.  Lots of our Large Black pigs are happily breeding away as the corner-stone of new herds. 

While we were there we had thought that there was nothing we needed to buy, with our move coming up in the New Year we are down scaling not making any more purchases.  But when we spied this animal trailer, larger than any of ours, with a split walk in door on one side, dividers to break up the space and in perfect order we were smitten.

After all we didn't see just a trailer, we saw a removal van, it's big enough to hold even our largest bits of furniture, so we can do the whole move ourselves without hiring a large van.  We saw a good dry food store for when we arrive at our new place, it will save us buying a heavy duty shed, all our galvanised feed bins will fit in nicely and we will be able to store enough straw for the chickens in the other half.  We saw a potential business opportunity, we could move animals for other smallholders who may not have trailers of their own, oh and we did see the potential to actually move our own animals in it eventually if we need to move them en masse.

A clever purchase.......we think so!!

Sue xx


  1. Well spotted, can't beat moving yourself otherwise it costs a fortune.

  2. Fantastic buy and multipurpose too ! We are compiling a list of essential smallholding equipment any chance of you doing a post as to your essential toolkit?


  3. A great investment for your future.

    Sft x

  4. Envy, envy...! Good buy, there - well done!

  5. Good ideas you have given for Investment. Your blog can be a gift to Entrepreneurs.

    Purchase forms



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