Saturday, 13 February 2010

Special Post by the Winner of the Best Dressed Man of the Year 2009

A special report from the Best Dressed Man of the Year 2009 (otherwise known as Lovely Hubby).
The winner of the Best Dressed Chicken Feeder in Oxfordshire Is.........
........Lovely Wifey.
In the above photo Sue is modelling the latest in shorty wellies, woollie socks and a rather fetching pair of gardening gloves. The main fashion item is the amazing GIANT PINK FLUFFY Dressing Gown. Specially tailored with chicken feeding in mind.
The hair has been specially trained to stand on end to give the chickens a fun start to the day.
Happy Valentines Babe
Alan xx


  1. He He - I have started to refer to myself as The Bag Lady - so took myself off to the hairdressers this morning !

    We really should put on our pearls & perfume to poop scoop shouldn't we ! ? Have a great week end xx

  2. How wonderful! I sometimes to forget to fix my hair or improve my face when I Skype with my children or sisters living in other parts of the country ~~ AND then, I look at my image in the monitor and feel like YOU! So refreshing to read your posts ...........

  3. Oh Alan, so funny but I wouldn't like to be you when she finds out !!!! lol

  4. Sue, I hope you don't mind but I copied your purring cat for my blog, if u do I can remove it...just say. Sue x

  5. isnt it wonderful that you can go out and feed the chickens in your robe! i'm jealous lol

  6. Oh that's just brilliant... brilliant!!! Lovely hubby is very sneaky and clever, but obviously loves you very much...
    Love Charlotte

  7. Excellent! But hey, we've all done it. Ok, maybe not in a pink dressing gown...!

  8. Snigger - yep - I've been there although my dressing gown is white and luckily Simon didn't have the camera to hand!

    Rosie x

  9. Haha well done Alan - well and truly got.
    Bertie x

  10. ha ha i had a good laugh whilst looking at your blog.... also as i am from cumbria just wondering where you used to live....jackanne xxx

  11. That's so funny!
    I love that I'm not the only one to dress in such a stylish way!!!
    D x


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